Crochet: granny squares
May 9th, 2007 at 7:24 pm (Crocheting)
Some time ago, I sat down with my crochet-expert friend, who showed me how to advance beyond basic linear crochet to make circular structures called granny squares. The key idea is to use a combination of double-crochet stitches, which build radial spokes, and chain stitches, which build circumferential bridges between those spokes. By varying the relative length of these components, you get different kinds of structures.
My first granny squares are shown below. The one on the right is straight out of a basic Granny Square pattern:
Start: Chain 4, join with slip stitch to first chain stitch to make a ring. Round 1: Chain 3, 2 double-crochet in ring. Chain 2, then (3 double-crochet in ring, chain 2) 3 times. Slip stitch in top of first chain-3 stitch to join. Round 2: To move yarn to new starting place, slip stitch in the first 2 double-crochet stitches and in the first chain 3 loop (moves to next corner of square). Chain 3, 2 double-crochet in the chain-2 space, chain 2, 3 double-crochet in same space. Then (chain 1, 3 double-crochet, chain 2, 3 double-crochet in next chain 2 loop) 3 times. Chain 1, join with slip stitch to top of chain-3 stitches. Round 3: Move yarn as in round 2. Chain 3, 2 double-crochet in the chain-2 space, chain 2, 3 double-crochet in same space. Chain 1, 3 double-crochet in next chain 1 space. Chain 1, then (3 double-crochet, chain 2, 3 double-crochet in next chain-2 space. Chain 1, 3 double-crochet in next chain 1 space. Chain 1.) 3 times. Join with slip stitch to top of chain-3 stitches. Round k: Same as previous, but work the following into each chain 1 space on each side of the square: (chain 1, 3 double-crochet, chain 1).
The one on the left is from a sweater pattern that caught our eye in a magazine. I’m still not quite sure that we were executing it correctly (and I don’t have a copy of the pattern; this was just for practice for me), but it made a neat structure:
Finally, my friend gave me additional instructions for how to make granny triangles! I haven’t attempted one yet, but I’m intrigued, and now I can’t get tiling methods out of my head.
Jim said,
May 9, 2007 at 8:12 pm
Cool. (Welcome back!)
stough said,
May 10, 2007 at 5:48 am
But can you crochet Granny Penrose shapes?
And, with granny squares and triangles, I believe that you can crochet a soccer-ball-shaped blanket. Remember to leave a few squares off so that you have someplace to stick your feet in.