Clean cars, tasty treats… to help us explore Mars

The new NASA budget isn’t looking good, and Planetary Science in particular is taking a ***20%*** cut, most of which cuts Mars funding!

In a move that’s equal parts desperation and brilliance, the community is rallying to put on a nationwide Planetary Exploration Car Wash & Bake Sale on June 9. Each local organizer will send a check with the proceeds to Congress, requesting them to apply it to increase the planetary science budget.

If your car doesn’t need washing or you’re watching your waistline, check out this AAS site for information on how to contact congressfolk and a list of useful “talking points.” If you care about the future of planetary exploration, make your voice heard!

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  1. Mike said,

    May 5, 2012 at 10:54 am

    (Learned something new!)

    Just checked: there’s one at ND! I’ll definitely be going to that, plus my car does need a good washing… Thanks for letting me know about this, Kiri!

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I knew this already. I learned something new!