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Meet the crew!

Emails have been flying back and forth for weeks, as we make plans for our two-week mission to the Mars Desert Research Station, from January 23 to February 6, 2010.  We will be simulating a human mission operating on the surface of Mars, living and working in and around a small Mars habitat in the remote desert of southeastern Utah. Who are we? Six hardy individuals willing to abandon our Earthly homes (at least temporarily) in support of an ongoing effort by the Mars Society to learn more about the needs, challenges, and capabilities of a human mission. You can read more about Commander/Geophysicist Brian, Executive Officer/Engineer Carla, Astronomer Mike, Chief Engineer Darrel, Biologist/Health and Safety Officer Luís, and Geologist/Information Officer/Journalist Kiri on our MDRS Crew 89 Bios page.

Brian Shiro Carla Haroz Mike Moran Darrel Robertson Luis Saraiva Kiri Wagstaff
Brian Shiro Carla Haroz Mike Moran Darrel Robertson Luís Saraiva Kiri Wagstaff

In addition to contributing to ongoing studies on nutrition and the usability of spacesuits, we will also conduct our own research projects, which include studying subsurface structure through active seismic surveying (Brian), variable stars and exoplanets (Mike), the utility of micro air vehicles for providing aerial reconnaissance (Darrel), environmental impact and biomarkers (Luís), and automated geolocation for digital photos (Kiri) — none of which would be possible without Carla’s support in coordinating and managing our daily activities and, critically, our EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) plan.

So join us on our journey! We’ll be posting about our activities and adventures as they arise. We can’t predict everything that will happen, but we’ll be sure to share photos and videos to keep you informed. You can subscribe to our RSS feed for this blog and/or follow us on twitter. We’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions, so feel free to post comments here.