Class Summary: 10/17

We picked up right from where we left off the previous Wednesday, and as part of a brief review we discussed the moral and political consequences of code breaking.

The primary example of this dilemma involved the British losing fifty to eighty of their ships a month. As this was basically as fast as they could build them it was an obvious problem, with the loss of life compounding the issue. There was an Enigma encoded message that the British intercepted from the Germans that, upon decoding, revealed the location of nine German warships. The Royal Navy didn’t want to let on that they had broken Enigma, lest the Germans change the cipher again, so the British destroyers were only told the location of seven of the ships, with command fearing that if all the ships were sunk the Germans would catch on. The destroyers, however, ran into the other two ships on their way to sink the seven, and sunk them as well. Despite this, the Germans were so sure that Enigma was unbreakable that they assumed there was a spy somewhere in their ranks. They didn’t consider the possibility that Enigma could be at fault.

Moving on, we discussed another decrypting machine that was employed in the British war effort: Colossus. Colossus was a giant computer that was designed not to crack Enigma, but to crack the Lorenz cipher, a code that was used between Hitler and his field generals. In some ways it was more advanced than the Enigma decryption techniques that Turing and the British cryptographers employed – it used 1500 vacuum tubes and was the first machine to employ them for computation – but it also looked for matching keys using brute force. Once a matching key was found, the user had to manually do the decryption.

Turning to the reading, we first reviewed Turing’s paper “On Computable Numbers.” It was quickly apparent that few people in the class understood much of Turing’s paper beyond a basic outline and what he was trying to prove, so we started breaking it down.

We first covered some background, why the paper was written in the first place. The mathematician David Hilbert wanted mathematics to be complete and encompass all knowledge, and to be a system where every presented problem could be solved. Kurt Gödel came and showed that, actually, this wasn’t possible in his paper “On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems.” This was a difficult to understand paper, but Turing’s paper made it more comprehensible by using something he called a Turing Machine to help explain his ideas.

We then took some time to define a Turing Machine, and Dr. Wagstaff took the time to draw one on the board. A Turing Machine is made of some sort of input/output system, in this case a tape, and something that can read and write to the tape. The tape contains various symbols, all of which are contained in a possible set of symbols. In the drawing to the right, the current symbol is denoted Si. The machine also has a configuration qi, which we’d refer to as a ‘state.’ In this state is implicit memory, for example, if you’re in state one and see an A, do this, if you’re in state 2 and see an A, do that. This description helps to clarify the tables in the book. These tables are examples of Turing programs, and the example Dr. Wagstaff drew below. What the machine would do in reading these programs is read the state qi, read the symbol Si, print a symbol Sk based on certain parameters (or not), and then move to the state q’. Additionally, an entire Turing Machine can be recorded as a number. This is crucial because another Turing Machine can then read in that number and simulate that machine.

So how is this relevant to the mathematical completeness that Hilbert so wanted and Gödel and Turing showed wasn’t possible? It comes down to the Entsheidungs Problem, also called the Decision Problem. Basically, the problem asks if it’s possible to design a system that can take any logical or mathematical statement and decide if it’s true or not. Turing modified this and called it the Halting Problem. If a program halts, it ends. If it doesn’t it continues on an infinite loop. The primary question, then, of the Halting Problem is whether it’s possible to design a program that can read in another program and determine if the other program halts or not. Turing addresses this with what is essentially a more complicated version of the proof (by contradiction) Dr. Wagstaff outlined to the right. What this says is that if you assume that, like a Turing Machine, any program can be written as a number, and that you can write program H(p) that can read in any program and will return 1 or 0 if program p halts or does not halt, respectively. So then you define another program G(p) such that if program H(p) returns 0, then G(p) returns 0, and if H(p) returns something not zero, then G(p) goes into an infinite loop. Now, every machine can be written as a number, so G(G) is possible. And then the complicated part: G(G) takes action based on the output of H(G). If G does not halt, then H(G) returns 0, which would mean that G(G) would return 0. This is a contradiction because G does not halt, but returns 0 when presented with itself. Likewise, if G does halt, then H(G) returns 1, which would mean that G(G) would go into an infinite loop. This too is a contradiction, as G does not halt, but goes into an infinite loop. This means that the assumption that H(p) can be written is false. No such program is possible to write.

Moving on from complicated proofs, we looked at the reading from Diamond Age. We first went over some background on the passage to give it some context, and then went into the details of the passage. The main character, the girl, is playing a game with a “primer,” which the class likened to an iPad. Princess Nell is her character, and her character has been imprisoned by automatons. She then has to administer a Turing Test to determine if her captors are human or machine, as this will determine her method of escape. After learning that her captors are machines, she escapes to the top of the tower where she find the skeleton of the Duke of Turing. She reads his books and journals, complete with references to ‘bugs in the machine,’ and masters them. After learning how to write her own programs in the chains used to hold programs, she becomes the Duchess of Turing.  The passage mostly focused on the Turing Test, figuring out if her captors were human or not, but it does involve a Turing Machine that functions as the lock on her door. The numbers on the lock describe what state the machine is in, and with their help she was able to reverse engineer the lock by running different chains through the machine and seeing how the states changed.

There was also brief mention of the book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter, which discusses knowledge, meaning, and thinking.

We then transitioned and watched a clip from the movie Breaking the Code, which is based on a play about Alan Turing. (Interestingly, this clip isn’t in the American cut of the film.)  The clip involves Turing explaining his work to someone reviewing it, and Turing basically explains what we were talking about for the first half of class. This person says that Turing’s paper is “baffling,” specifically pointing out the title. After a request to explain, Turing gives a very detailed and helpful explaination as to what a Turing Machine is for and how it relates to the Entsheidungs Problem. He explains that it is about trying to prove right from wrong, and in a review of the history of attempts at this he mentions someone to trying to break down everything in to pieces of pure logic. He notes that this, of course, failed, and attempts to analyze mathematical axioms led to new types of mathematics. He describes that Hilbert thought it was possible to have a fundamental system for mathematics, with consistency, completeness, and decidability. Turing then notes that Godel showed this was impossible, and that math is either inconsistent or incomplete. Turing realized that he would have to have a system of proving all mathematical statements past, present, and future for Hilbert to be correct, which is what his Turing Machine idea would be designed to do. He notes that, of course, a Turing Machine cannot do this.

Class then closed with the assignment for the next class.

The Transcontinental Calculation

In the first half of the 1800s, getting from one side of the United States to the other was a significant affair. There were no planes back then (of course), no cars, and the overland route via covered wagon was even more treacherous than the video games of our youth alluded to. In 1863, workers broke ground on the US transcontinental railroad. By 1869, one could ride from Nebraska to California in a week, instead of the six treacherous months previously required. It was one of the most remarkable feats of civil engineering – not to mention sheer labor – of the 19th century. Not only did the railroad unite the country with transportation, it also enabled a new era of communication: telegraph lines were installed next to the railroad, allowing messages to be sent instantly across the country.

One can imagine the number of calculations required to build a single trestle, let alone an entire 1780 miles of railroad. Only about 25% of the workers involved in the project were actually physical laborers doing the blasting, digging, and other heavy work. It is some of the other workers who would have most benefited from access to a difference engine.

For one, there is the obvious need for engineers to perform calculations regarding where it is most efficient to lay the route, how strong bridges must be to support the trains, how far it can be between refueling points without trains running out of coal and other supplies, and countless other mathematical problems. Indeed, any engineering project in that era would have benefited greatly from access to more accurate and varied tables of numbers.

A less immediately obvious, but undeniable application for a difference engine is all of the accountants and workers responsible for ensuring sufficient supplies. Given a certain number of expected miles of construction, how many railroad ties does one need to order? How much rail? When should you send the shipments of materials to optimize the number of trains you send, without losing valuable work time for lack of parts? Indeed, the benefit to accounting and management might have been greater than the advantages for the engineers.

Had the difference engine been available in 1863, would it have had any lasting impacts in the context of the railroad, or would it merely have eased the burden on overworked engineers and accountants? It’s hard to say. Even if use of a difference engine had made it cheaper to construct the railroad, it might not have been completed any sooner – the primary delays were caused by bad weather and treacherous conditions. Where the tables derived from a difference engine might have been more useful would have been for the hundreds of people starting new businesses in the recently opened up territories of the west. The railroad lead to a massive expansion of the population in the western US, and to be certain, many of them would have found the tables that a difference engine would have made available to be quite handy.

Babbage vs. Evolution

May 22, 1826 marks the first voyage of one of the most important ships in history, the HMS Beagle. The Beagle and the HMS Adventure departed together on a several-year long mission to Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego to conduct hydrographic survey, which involves measurement and description of the ocean and coastal regions. Like regular surveying, hydrographic surveying requires trigonometry and precise calculations. This task was difficult in the 19th century, especially on top of the challenge of navigation. The Straight of Magellan, off of the coast of Tierra del Fuego, is one of the most important but dangerous water passages in the world. In the weeks of surveying this especially difficult area, Captain Pringle Stokes went into a long phase of depression, ending in his suicide. He was replaced by Robert FitzRoy.

After his success on the first voyage, FitzRoy was put in charge of the Beagle’s second voyage, which departed in late 1831. On the first voyage, FitzRoy had wanted an expert on geology, so for the second, he decided to “endeavor to carry out a person qualified to examine the land; while the officers, and myself, would attend to hydrography”. He wanted a naturalist to go on land to learn about the geology. He had the additional requirement that the naturalist be someone that would make him a good companion. FitzRoy’s friend, Dr. John Henslow sent a letter to someone he thought might fulfill the position. The letter read,

“…that I consider you to be the best qualified person I know of who is likely to undertake such a situation— I state this not on the supposition of yr. being a finished Naturalist, but as amply qualified for collecting, observing, & noting any thing worthy to be noted in Natural History. Peacock has the appointment at his disposal & if he can not find a man willing to take the office, the opportunity will probably be lost— Capt. F. wants a man (I understand) more as a companion than a mere collector & would not take any one however good a Naturalist who was not recommended to him likewise as a gentleman. … there never was a finer chance for a man of zeal & spirit… Don’t put on any modest doubts or fears about your disqualifications for I assure you I think you are the very man they are in search of.”

The letter was to Charles Darwin. You know the rest of the story.

But what if Charles Babbage had completed his difference engine before all of this? He originally proposed his idea to the Royal Astronomical Society in 1822. Assume that everything ran smoothly and the invention was completed by 1828. The difference engine would have been able to quickly, cheaply, and accurately produce important trigonometric tables that would have been hugely beneficial to navigation and hydrographic surveying. In this case, the first voyage of the Beagle could have run much more efficiently and Captain Stokes could have enjoyed a relaxing trip to Tierra del Fuego instead of shooting himself in his cabin. Robert FitzRoy wouldn’t have taken over as captain so he wouldn’t have requested a naturalist/companion for his next voyage, and Darwin would not have been on board. He would have continued his plan of become a priest instead of writing one of the most influential works of all time.

So what if Darwin had never written “On the Origin of Species”? It’s fair to assume that the theory of evolution through natural selection would still have become scientifically accepted, since Darwin was not the first or only person to suggest it. However, Darwin was by far the most convincing, thorough, and methodically correct of the early proponents of evolution. “On the Origin of Species” laid important groundwork not only in evolution, but all life sciences, because of its strong use of the hypothetico-deductive method. Prior to this, naturalists would mostly just describe, name, and study the anatomy of species. Darwin used reasoning, analogy, and large amounts of evidence to form his “long argument”, which laid new foundations for the scientific method in biology. It was well-devised and argued strongly, making it an extremely persuasive work that inspired the evolutionary movement and exemplified proper scientific methodology. Without Darwin, natural selection would have been years behind, as would the foundations of biological research in general. This is perhaps what would have happened if Babbage had finished his machine and vastly improved the availability of accurate trig tables for celestial navigation and surveying.

But luckily Babbage never finished his engine…

Alternate History: Discovery of Neptune

Neptune was almost discovered by Galileo, but he mistook it for a star. Lalande, a French astronomer who created tables of the planetary positions also recorded Neptune’s position but also thought it was a star. One of the people responsible for discovering Uranus, John Herschel, also thought that it was a star. When Delambre was computing tables of Uranus, he discovered discrepancies in the position. He noted that there were discrepancies. During his time at Cambridge, John Couch Adam decided to begin investigating the irregularities of Uranus’ orbit. At relatively the same time, a French astronomer Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier also recognized the irregularities in the orbit of Uranus and thought this was due to an undiscovered planet. He then did computations based upon Newton’s gravitational laws and deduced the location of the undiscovered planet. Le Verrier gave his calculations to Johann Gottfried Galle who discovered the planet Uranus.

John Couch Adams

According to many stories, and as stated in Jacquard’s Loom, the reason why the planet was not discovered due to Adam’s calculations was because “[i]nstead of instigating a major telescopic search that would almost certainly have resulted in the discovery of the new planet, Neptune, Airy chose not to act on Adam’s information.” (104). Due to Airy overlooking Adam’s calculations, it was decided that Adams and Le Verrier needed equal credit in the discovery of Neptune. However, according to the Neptune file, found again in 1998, this is not the full story.

Urbain Le Verrier

In the file it is revealed that instead of being ignored by Airy, Adams was actually vague and inconsistent in his planetary position. Adam’s predictions ranged over 20 degrees of the sky, and after the planet was searched for during six-weeks at the Cambridge University Observatory was still not found. This was far different than Le Verrier’s calculations, which were one degree off of the actual planet’s location. Galle found the planet in half an hour. From Adam’s journal transcriptions, it shows “him still working on a problem which (one gathers) it was first necessary to solve in order to achieve a full solution.” (Kollerstrom, 5.42). After Galle’s discovery based on Le Verrier’s prediction, British astronomers contrived a selected story of events. Only Adam’s more accurate mathematical results were made public and made to appear as if Adam’s had the predicted the exact location of the planet. While Le Verrier protested at the time, it was in vain. He became very bitter about the lack of recognition for his work.

The God Neptune

If there was a difference machine to facilitate in Le Verrier’s calculations, I feel that he would have predicted the location of the planet quicker. While a difference machine would also help Adam, it was shown that his earlier calculations were more accurate than his later ones. For this reason I suspect that Adam’s predictions would have just become continually worse. From this, I feel that Le Verrier would be proven as the true discoverer of Neptune, and Adam would be recognized for his calculations and work to discover the location of the planet, but wouldn’t be considered a co-discoverer.

If it had not been for the lack of recognition of his discovery, I feel that Le Verrier would have been a more likeable person and wouldn’t have been so unpopular. This would have resulted in a more productive appointment as director of the Paris Observatory and probably would not have ended in him being overthrown and when later reinstated, stripped of most of his authority. This productive appointment would have led to more astronomical discoveries. This amount of astronomical discoveries would have caused Paris to be a center of astronomical discovery.

One such astronomical discovery, I feel, would have happened sooner is the discovery of Pluto. Since Le Verrier had already done work on the orbit of Neptune, I feel that if the orbit of Neptune would have continued to be tracked Le Verrier would have discovered perturbations in the orbit due to the planet Pluto. Such perturbations would have been linked through Newtonian orbital theory, which could have been further developed by Le Verrier if his view on Newtonian orbital theory had not been poisoned by his lack of recognition for the discovery of Neptune. Such an early discovery of Pluto would give it historical significance as a planet, and perhaps its planetary status would not have been taken away.


Coimbra, Miguel. “Neptune – God of the Seas and Oceans.” Web. 12 Oct. 2011. <>

Essinger, James. Jacquard’s Web. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Print.

Kollerstrom, Nicholas. “Recovering the Neptune Files.” RAS Research (2003): 5.23-5.24. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. <>

O’Connor, John, and Edmund Robertson. “Neptune and Pluto.” The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive. University of St Andrews. Sept. 1996. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. <>

O’Connor, John, and Edmund Robertson. “Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier.” The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive. University of St Andrews. Dec. 1996. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. <>

“Portrait of John Couch Adams.” DSpace. University of Cambridge. 2008. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. <>

Sheehan, William. “Secret Documents Rewrite the Discovery of Neptune.” Social Sky & Telescope: The Essential Magazine of Astronomy (2003): n. pag. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. <>

“Urbain Le Verrier.” Random Knowledge. WordPress. 11 Mar. 2008. Web. 12 Oct 2011. <>

William, David. “Neptune Fact Sheet”. Planetary Fact Sheets. NASA. Nov. 2010. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. <>

Assignment 2: Southern Victory

      The historical event I have selected is the recovery of Lee’s Special Order 191 by a Union soldier during the American Civil War. The order detailed Lee’s intentions and how he was splitting his forces while invading Maryland and Pennsylvania. The order was intended to be destroyed (it was found wrapped around several cigars), but instead was found and relayed to George McClellan, commander of the Union Army of the Potomac. McClellan had previously been outmaneuvered and outfought by Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia multiple times. However, with this order he was able to predict Lee’s movements, and forestalled the invasion of the North at the Battle of Antietam. Many historians believe that McClellen, a notoriously over-cautious and slow-moving general, could have taken greater advantage of the order. Antietam was a very bloody battle, with heavy casualties on both sides. Lee’s army did retreat, but McClellan, fearing a trap, refused to pursue, despite the insistence of President Lincoln. Hindsight shows that if he had pressed his advantage, the Army of Northern Virginia was not in good shape, and could have been destroyed or severely damaged. A few days later, Lincoln removed McClellan from command for failing to take full advantage of his intelligence.
However, the Battle of Antietam did allow Lincoln to make the Emancipation Proclamation. This was crucial, because the President’s advisors had convinced him to delay the announcement until after a Union victory, so as to not seem like a move of desperation. The result of the Emancipation Proclamation was that France and Britain could not convincingly recognize the Confederacy as a legitimate nation, due to slavery now being a central issue of the war.
Harry Turtledove, the foremost contemporary alternate history author, used Special Order 191 as the point of divergence for his epic alternate history series Southern Victory, where the pertinent copy of Special Order 191 is in fact destroyed. I would propose a similar change as part of a ripple effect from Babbage’s Difference Engines becoming widespread and well-used.
Had Difference Engines been finished, used, and proved helpful enough for common use, the technology of the period leading up to 1860 could have been wildly affected. Babbage would have continued to be prominent, and it seems reasonable to assume that this other ideas, inventions and interests would have become more important among the scientists and engineers of his day. In addition to that, if the Difference Engine succeeded, it’s likely that other mechnical computation devices would have been invented in a similar sense to the electro-mechanical devices that began to flourish after Hollerith’s initial success in the 1890s.
One field that would have been the key beneficiary of these advances would have been cryptography. By World War I, military cryptography was commonplace; however, Special Order 191 was not encrypted, which allowed the Union army to quickly realize its importance, forward it up the chain of command, and understand it. Had cryptography spread to the Confederacy’s armed forces, it would have at the very least taken the Union some time to decrypt the order, were it even realized as important at all by the corporal who found it.
In actual history, McClellan’s deficiencies as a commander were such that even with fantastic military intelligence, he was only able to fight Lee to a standstill, barely enough of a success to allow the Emancipation Proclamation to go out. Without Special Order 191 in hand, it seems more than likely that Lee would have once again humiliated Union armed forces, this time on their own soil, and possibly given the Confederacy enough of an advantage to win the war. Had the CSA’s advantage after Lee’s Maryland campaign been seen as sufficient, Britain and France would likely have recognized the South and broken the blockade to restore the flow of cotton exports and to hurt the USA.
Such a vast change in the power balance on the American continent would have had vast consequences. Certainly, Britain and France would have been enemies of the United States, rather than eventual allies, due to their effective alliance with the CSA. Furthermore, assuming German unification proceeded as in actual history, the USA and Germany could well have applied the principle of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, and found common ground in the later 1800s, maybe even in World War I. Had the United States never entered World War I against the Central Powers, but rather been tied down by a war at home (or at least the prospect of being counterbalanced by the Confederate States), the entire 20th century would look completely different. Everything from German backlash to the Treaty of Versailles and the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire to the October Revolution in Russia could have had vastly different outcomes, with a German-Union alliance, and an independent Confederate States of America.
The farther one moves forward from Special Order 191, the greater the implications become. With simple knowledge of encryption, and perhaps even something as simple as a substitution or rotation cipher, the importance of Special Order 191 or at least its meaning would have never been realized (or at least not soon enough). That paper, wrapped around cigars, is one of the hinges upon which history has turned, and with the technological advances that could have been perpetrated by the Difference Engine, history could have turned in a very different direction.

Wednesday 10/12: Cryptography

Class started with a reminder that homework assignment #2 is due Monday, and due Wednesday a selection from the IEEE archives for the final project.

The anonymous self-written tests from our previous class were discussed, and praised for their depth and insights. We expanded on an answer to “why did Hollerith use punched cards instead of tape”, noting that cards could be resorted and accessed randomly, while tape constrains one to always reading data in a particular order. This is analogous to the difference today between “random access” and “serial access”.

RMS LusitaniaNext, we went back in time to World War I. In May 1915, the RMS Lusitania, a British merchant ship with many American citizens aboard, was sunk by German U-boats. This was before America had entered World War I. Germany was starting to flex its naval muscles with its U-boat fleet. In 1917, Germany sent the famous Zimmerman Telegram to its ambassador in Mexico, seeking to form an alliance with Mexico. Germany would assist Mexico in reclaiming former Mexican territory including Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona; in return, Mexico would form an alliance with Germany, attacking the United States to prevent them from engaging Germany in Europe. British intelligence intercepted the note during its initial transmission, and it was decoded by their cryptographers. The note was published in American newspapers, purporting that it had been intercepted by spies when the note was in (unencrypted) transmission via telegram across Mexico. The revealing of this information prompted America’s entrance to the war. It wasn’t until 1923 however that Churchill admitted that British cryptographers had in fact intercepted and decoded the message – throughout the war, the Germans had no idea that their private communications were being intercepted.

Enigma machine in use

An enigma machine being used in Russia. - German Federal Archives, via Wikimedia Commons

This dramatic breach of security for the Germans led to the development of the enigma machine. Over 30,000 of the machines were built during the course of World War II. The mechanisms of this machine were the subject of our reading for today, an excerpt from The Code Book.

To get a better sense for how the enigma machine operates, we used paper enigma simulators to decode a secret message on the board: MPXNCZJA. The scramblers were arranged in order of 1-2-3, and the day’s key was MCX. Recall that the first three letters are the message key, leaving NCZJA as the message. Decoding the message and taking it to the honors college office was rewarded with a prize.

We wrapped up our discussion by reflecting on what ultimately led to the failure of the system: not the encryption itself, but its human users. The use of repeated, predictable phrases, easy-to-guess message keys, and other patterns to exploit led to the messages being decrypted far faster than they would have been if better practices had been followed. As with many security systems, the weakest link in the chain of security is not the system itself, but those who must operate it.

Ada Lovelace Day

Ada Lovelace Day took place on Friday, October 7. The theme this year is “heroines”:

So share your story about a woman — whether an engineer, a scientist, a technologist or mathematician — who has inspired you to become who you are today.

You can read others’ stories or even contribute your own (it’s not too late!).

Class Summary 10/10: Hollerith and the Census

In class today we talked about the results from the survey passed out during last class. It was found that people liked the concept map as well as learning about Ada and Babbage’s relationship. It was also found that people were unclear on how the analytical machine and other machines worked. Dr. Wagstaff encouraged us, if we were interested, to consider doing our final project on it, so that we may explain how it works to the class. Also, people were unclear on how much work Ada actually did on the notes and how much Babbage helped her. The fact is that we’re really not sure how much she did and probably never will. Also, the vast majority thought that the class work was about right at the moment. However, Dr. Wagstaff has decided to drop one of the assignments, so that we have two weeks to do each assignment.

In class, we had an activity where we wrote two questions that we would put on a “quiz” about the reading from last time. The first one being a “how” question and the second being a “why” questions. The questions were passed around and each person had to write down the answered and then the answers were passed around and “graded”. We then discussed things that we found interesting about the questions and answers.

  1. How did Hollerith’s machine get and store data?

1890 punch-card template for Pantograph

Punched cards were used to input data. These were put in the machine which interpreted them. We thought that it was interesting that the machine had constraints on what would be considered valid data. These constraints included that cards could only be put in one way. This was done by making one of the corners of the card cut at an angle. This way the card could only be putting the reader one way. Another restraint was that the card was considered invalid if two mutually exclusive things were entered. So for example if male and female were selected the card was considered invalid. Also, if the user was only looking at one type of cards (males for instance) if another type of cards (females for example) was inputted it would be tossed out.

Woman operating a Pantograph

Cards were punched through a pantograph, which was basically a template through which holes were punched. The machine was composed of a tabulator and a sorter. Click here for some good images of the machine. The tabulator counted up everything by lowering down a tray with pins attached to it; if there were was a hole where the pin was it would go through the hole into a cup of liquid mercury. The mercury acted as a very good conductor and would make an electrical current. Part of the reason mercury was used is that the whole device was hooked up to a battery (they didn’t have a power grid during this time), so the voltage across the device was very poor. The sorter flipped open the bin to put in the card, but someone still had to manually put each card in the sorter.

2. Why was it necessary for Hollerith to make this machine

With the 1890 census it would not be able to finish the census before the next census (in 10 years). The 1880 one took 7 years to complete and there were more people in 1890 than 1880. For the 1890 census there was a race to see what method/machine could do the best, which would be used for the next census. One was Hollerith’s machine, one was a chip method which used different colored paper, and one was the slip method which used different colored ink. They had a race in which they had to process 10,000 cards. The chip method took 110.933 hours for transcription and 44.683 hours for tabulation, the slip method took 144.4167 hours for transcription and 55.367 hours for tabulation, and Hollerith’s method took 72.45 hours for transcription and 5.467 hours for tabulation. So, that makes Hollerith’s method a little over twice as fast as the chip method and a little over two and a half times as fast as the slip method.

We talked also about how single-minded Hollerith was. Hollerith only thought of one use for his machine: the census, and didn’t consider his machine’s usefulness for other scenarios, such as other data entry.

Next we went through an activity to see how long it would take for our hometown’s census to be processed back in the day. With Hollerith’s machine it took 25 seconds/person for transcription and 2 seconds/person for tabulation.

Example for my hometown: Sherwood, OR

Population 18,194

Transcription=25*18194=4.55E5 seconds=7.58E3 minutes=1.26E2 hours=5.26 days

Tabulation=2*18194=3.64E4 seconds=6.065E2 minutes=10.1 hours

Total=1.36E2 hours=5.67 days

We then talked about why the US was able to set up new things like the machine for the census, when Europe had just kept with people doing the census. One of the reasons is that the US had just gotten out of the civil war and was really far behind Europe, so the US was open to innovation. Another reason was that it would theoretically save time and money. However, for the years it saved the census, they spent it doing even further analysis on it! In the end, they ended up spending twice as much money as the 1880 census!

Images from:

Ada Lovelace

Today Dr. Wagstaff reminded the class to make sure and use MLA or APA format when citing anything.
We started the class with a discussion of whether or not Charles Babbage a success or a failure. Although he did not succeed in building the complete Difference Engine or any of the Analytical Engine, there was a general consensus that Babbage was not a failure. He was mostly successful and had great ideas for the time period. Also, he was constrained by the times.
We next started talking about Ada Lovelace. She was christened Augusta Ada Byron. She later became Augusta Ada King after marrying Lord William King, and then a couple of years later turned into the Countess of Lovelace when Lord King became Count Lovelace. Her mother was Annabella Byron and her father was Lord Byron, a romantic poet. Annabella wanted Ada to have an education just like she had. Ada was very intellectual and liked to learn. She was lucky to get a good education in that time period. She met Babbage at a soiree at his house when she was 17. They became fast friends regardless of the age difference between them.
Ada was doing a lot of translation of Menabrea’s paper on the Analytical Engine and then wrote her Notes. Her Notes were added commentary and analysis along with the translation. At one point, there was disagreement between them where Babbage thought that she should cancel the Translation and the Notes and just write her own paper. Babbage was offended that she did not agree and that she did not attach his “rant” to the publication. She realized that the rant would “detract from the main point of the article.” Ada wanted to also include the Bernoulli Numbers as a concrete example for how the Analytical Engine would work. She was one of the first people to recognize a conditional example. In her personal life, she had three children. She was disappointed that her husband was not an intellectual but he provided her with a comfortable life. Count Lovelace was okay with all the time she spent with Babbage and with her work on the Notes and mathematical equations.
After talking about Ada Lovelace, we created a diagram of the different inventions and of their influence on each other. For example Multiplication influenced both the Pascaline and the Napier’s Rods, both of which influenced the Calculating Clock.

RIP Steve Jobs

Most of you have probably already heard this news, but I think it’s worth mentioning in the context of this class. Steve Jobs has been very influential in making computers accessible to non-technical users, improving user interface, and bringing computing to mobile devices. He passed away Wednesday morning at age 56. Though I’m not personally an Apple user, I deeply respect Steve Jobs for the tremendous impacts he has made on the evolution of personal computing. Rest in peace.

RIP Steve Jobs: 1955-2011